Configuring tBB

If you wish to configure tBB settings, you can use the configuration files tBB is instructed to look for. These files are always located in the ~/.tBB/configs/ folder. Please check where this folder is located before continuing reading.

Configuration files are in the standard JSON format. If you’re unfamiliar with such format, please refer to RFC 7159, or other documentation on the Internet.


You’re free to change settings in these files at any time, but if you want your changes to take effect you’ll to have to restart tBB.

How configuration works in tBB

Configuration in tBB works like the way cascade sheets work. There are 3 levels of configuration:

BUILTIN configuration
DEFAULT configuration
SPECIFIC configuration

The first level is the built-in configuration that comes with tBB: this cannot be changed and acts as a fallback for tBB.

The second level is the default configuration which is stored in ~/.tBB/configs/config_default.json: you can set this and will be applied to every network your tBB installation will monitor.

The third level is the network-specific configuration which is stored in ~/.tBB/configs/config_{NETWORK}.json: this configuration will only be applied if tBB is asked to monitor the {NETWORK} network. On network-specific filename syntax please refer to the below section.

Each new level overrides the configurations of the previous one.


There are many configuration files you may want to add to your tBB installation, but tBB is capable of running without any configuration file, falling back to the built-in configuration.

Network-specific configuration files naming conventions

Specific configuration files naming conventions follow the scans naming conventions, and is as follows:

~/.tBB/configs/config_{NETWORK IP}\{NETMASK (cidr)}-{NETWORK LENGTH}.json

This rigid naming conventions allow tBB to use the correct configuration file for every network you may want to monitor.

For instance, if you want to create a configuration file for network you’re going to need to create a file named config_192.168.100.0\24-256.json.


Please note the backslash \ replacing the forward slash / (forward slash is invalid for the Unix file name conventions). Also note the given network length in the filename after the dash - sign.


These examples may be applied to both a default or a network-specific configuration file.

Do not sleep between checks:

    "monitoring": {
        "time_between_checks": "00:00",
        "maximum_seconds_randomly_added": 0

Change time format and enable syslog:

    "logging": {
        "default_time_format": "%m-%d-%Y, %H.%M.%S"  # <-- time format
        "handlers": {
            "syslog": {                   # <-- configure syslog
                "address": {              #
                    "ip": "",  #
                    "port": 666           #
                "socktype": "DATAGRAM"
            "enable": ["console", "file", "syslog"]  # <-- enable logging handlers here

Bind tBB server to a non-loopback interface and disable SSL:

    "frontends": {
        "host": "",
        "ssl": {
            "enable": false

Configuration fields

The various fields configurable in tBB are divided in logical sections, so that they can be easier to understand and recognize.

What follows are tables of the available configurable fields.

Default values are the values specified in the built-in configuration.


Field name Description Example values Default value
monitoring Section dedicated to the monitoring machinery is section, see below ...
frontends Section dedicated to frontends communication is section, see below ...
serialization Section dedicated to scans storage handling is section, see below ...
logging Section dedicated to the logging facilities is section, see below ...


Field name Description Example values Default value
discoveries Section dedicated to the discovery methods is section, see below ...
least_record_update Maximum amount of time for which tBB will not re-perform a complete scan on startup (format: minutes:seconds). '00:00' '30:00'
enable_notifiers Tell notifiers about detected changes. false true
time_between_checks Amount of time to wait before proceeding to check the next host [1] (format: minutes:seconds). '00:00' '00:02'
maximum_seconds_randomly_added Maximum amount of time to add randomly [2] to time_between_checks (in seconds). Must be a positive integer. 10 2
auto_ignore_broadcasts Enable/disable automatic broadcasts ignore. If enabled, when a broadcast is detected during a scan, it will be ignored in the next ones. false true
hosts Number of hosts sub-networks will be divided into. Must be a valid network length (aka, power of 2). 64 16
ignore List of IPs to ignore. [''] []
ignore_mac List of MACs to ignore. ['00:...:00'] []  
ignore_name List of host names to ignore. [''] []

monitoring → discoveries

Field name Description Example values Default value
arp Section dedicated to the ARP discovery method is section, see below ...
icmp Section dedicated to the ICMP discovery method is section, see below ...
syn Section dedicated to the SYN discovery method is section, see below ...

monitoring → discoveries → arp

Field name Description Example values Default value
count Number of ARP broadcasts to emit. 1 3
timeout Maximum amount of time in which to wait for a response (in seconds). Must be a positive integer. A higher value in this field represent a more reliable check, but also a slower one.    
quit_on_first Stop listening for responses at first response. false true

monitoring → discoveries → icmp

Field name Description Example values Default value
count Number of requests to send. If flood is enabled, it represents the number of responses to receive before returning. 4 1
timeout Maximum amount of time in which to wait for a response (in seconds). Must be a positive integer. A higher value in this field represent a more reliable check, but also a slower one. 1 4
flood Enable/disable flood ping mode. false true
enable Enable/disable discovery method. false true

monitoring → discoveries → syn

Field name Description Example values Default value
ports Ports to check. Must be of string type. '80' '2'
timeout Maximum amount of time in which to wait for a response (in seconds). Must be a positive integer. A higher value in this field represent a more reliable check, but also a slower one. 1 4
enable Enable/disable discovery method. false true


Field name Description Example values Default value
host IP address for the frontends socket. localhost
port Port number for the frontends socket. 2000 1984
maximum_port_lookup Maximum number of times tBB will look for the next available port if the previous one is busy. 1 20
ssl Section dedicated to securing communications with SSL/TLS. is section, see below ...

frontends → ssl

Field name Description Example values Default value
enable Enable/disable SSL encryption. tBB will fall back to HTTP communication. false true
check_hostname Enable/disable certificate checking, must agree with frontends on this field for correct SSL handshake. true false


Field name Description Example values Default value
indent Number of spaces with which indent the scan storages (json.dump(indent) ext. docs). 0 4
do_sort Enable/disable sorting of scan storages (json.dump(sort_keys) ext. docs). false true


Field name Description Example values Default value
default_time_format Default format for datetimes in log files. [3] '%d-%m-%Y %H.%M.%S' '%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S'
level Minimum logging level. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. DEBUG INFO
formatters Section dedicated to loggers formatters. is section, see below ...
handlers Section dedicated to loggers handlers. is section, see below ...

logging → formatters

Field name Description Example values Default value
complete Section dedicated to the complete formatter. is section, see below ...
brief Section dedicated to the brief formatter. is section, see below ...
syslog Section dedicated to the syslog formatter. is section, see below ...
custom_1 Section dedicated to the custom_1 formatter. is section, see below ...
custom_2 Section dedicated to the custom_2 formatter. is section, see below ...
custom_3 Section dedicated to the custom_3 formatter. is section, see below ...

logging → formatters → complete/brief/syslog/custom_1/custom_2/custom_3

All formatters share the same configuration skeleton.

Field name Description Example values Default value
format String to format logging upon. [4] ... ...
datefmt String to format datetimes upon. [3] Macro {default_time_format} points to loggingdefault_time_format. '%d-%m-%Y %H.%M.%S' {default_time_format}

logging → handlers

Field name Description Example values Default value
console Section dedicated to the complete handler. is section, see below ...
syslog Section dedicated to the syslog handler. is section, see below ...
file Section dedicated to the file handler. is section, see below ...
enable List of enabled logging handlers: handlers found in this list will be triggered when logging. [] ['console', 'file']

logging → handlers → console

Field name Description Example values Default value
level Minimum logging level for this handler. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. DEBUG INFO
formatter Formatter chosen for this handler, as defined in loggingformatters. custom_1 brief

logging → handlers → syslog

Field name Description Example values Default value
level Minimum logging level for this handler. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. DEBUG INFO
formatter Formatter chosen for this handler, as defined in loggingformatters. custom_2 syslog
address Section dedicated to the syslog host address. is section, see below ...
socktype ISO/OSI level 4 protocol chosen by the syslog server. One of UDP: DATAGRAM, TCP: STREAM. STREAM DATAGRAM

logging → handlers → syslog → address

Field name Description Example values Default value
ip Syslog host IP. '' ''
port Syslog server port. 514 ''

logging → handlers → file

Field name Description Example values Default value
level Minimum logging level for this handler. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. WARNING DEBUG
formatter Formatter chosen for this handler, as defined in loggingformatters. syslog complete
max_bytes Maximum size for log file (in bytes). 1000 10000000 (10 MB)
backup_count Maximum number of log files (of at most max_bytes size) to keep. 1 4
filename Log file name. definetelynota logfile.log tBB.log
[1]Determined by Tracker.highest_priority_host.
[2]See Tracker.keep_network_tracked for further details.
[3](1, 2) Python logging library date format documentation
[4]Python logging library log records documentation